Good Stewards or Benchwarmers?

“As each has received a gift (charism), use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace…”

1 Peter 4:10


I feel the need to start this article off with a tremendous “THANK YOU”.  The Well Student Ministries, Awana, Sunday School, and Laker Life are coming to a close until the Fall.  We had incredible leaders and volunteers this year who stepped in, filled the gap, attended faithfully, and rolled with the punches.  I’ll be the first to admit…it was a weird year.  But we got through it as a team.  Thank you to all the volunteers who selflessly donated their time, gifts, and resources to making sure ministry happens for these students.  And don’t let me forget those who served this past year on Ministry Teams and Overseers.  You are all a blessing.

I want to throw this out there, though: This is not our collective time of rest.  As some of the more intensely time-consuming ministries wrap up, new ones may come up on our radar.  As I look through the ballot for our annual election, I am beyond excited to see that every Ministry Team has been filled!  We could use a couple more Overseers…but we’ll get there.  We were even able to add the Outreach/Strategic Opportunities Committee (or “Strat Ops”, as I like to call them).  Thank You, God!  These teams have a lot of work to do, and just because you might not be a part of the elected group, you can still offer your gift of service to them.  One big ask that I have is that everyone would honestly consider where they might be able to plug in and serve.

I know, I know.  Another plea for volunteers...  Well, I’ll make a deal with you – when we all start doing, I’ll stop asking.  This isn’t a plea specifically to those who already serve in various areas, but to the whole church.  In the verse above, Peter writes that each person (every one of you) has received a charism (a gift of God’s grace).  These gifts are varied (multi-faceted).  God designed it that way - for us to put our gifts together, complimenting one another. The word stewards should remind us that these gifts were given by the “household owner” (God) “for the purpose of managing his household”, as one author has put it.  He gave us these gifts not for our own benefit, but for using within the church.  There is no Christian who is not needed by the body of Christ; everyone plays a part.

Part of my job as a shepherd and teacher is to help equip you for that work (Eph. 4:11-12).  If you need help discovering where you fit in, or how to do the work you believe you are called to do…I want to help you.  It would be my joy.  You know where to find me.

I’m asking you to consider what joint or ligament you might be in the body of Christ, and I’m asking you to work.  Whether your gift involves your body, your mind, your experience, your resources, your time, your hospitality, your musical ability, your computer skills, or relational ministry…suit up!  Get off the bench!  You are valuable to this team…but not from the bench.  Let us be good stewards together… “that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.  To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever.  Amen.”


Your Co-Laborer for the Sake of the Gospel

Pastor Joel