Abide Student Ministries
Abide Student Ministries is for students grades 6th-12th at Grandview Baptist Church. Abide exists to help students abide in Christ through Biblical Teaching, Creative Discipleship, and Partnership with Parents. During the school year times are split between Jr. and Sr. High with Jr. High meeting from 6:00-7:30 and Sr. High meeting from 7:45-9:00. Below you will find and overview of our events and Wednesday Night meetings for the Fall.
Sunday School meets from 11:00-11:45 AM every Sunday after church during the school year. Our desire for Sunday School is that it would equip students to understand the storyline of the Bible. An overview of our lessons for this Fall can be found below.
The Heart of Abide
Below you’ll find a couple documents that represent the heart and philosophy of Abide Student Ministry. First is our philosophy of ministry which outlines why we chose the name “Abide” and how we seek to help students Abide in Christ. It breaks down each of our guiding principles we have for student ministry. Second, is our scope and sequence for teaching. This document outlines our plan for teaching students on Wednesday Night and during Sunday School. All of our lessons are straight from God’s Word as it is our ultimate authority. Our lessons either walk through a Biblical book, explain a Biblical doctrine, or focus on applying God’s word to decisions and situations in life. It is our goal that when students graduate high school that they know and believe the gospel, they read and understand the Bible, they can begin to develop their own theology and convictions, and make wise and practical decisions for their life.
Resources for Students
Students are encouraged to ask questions during the lessons and small group times of Abide Student Ministries. In addition to this we also encourage students to submit questions in the box of mystery. We also have a couple resources for students to use regarding their questions. First is a website called “Got Questions” which provides solid answers to Biblical and theological questions. Second is a ministry called the Bible Project which helps explain the books and concepts of students in creative and illustrative ways. See the links below for more details.
Contact Pastor Lance by Phone: 217-516-2950 or Email: pastorlance97@gmail.com